European Larch: Why is it so Popular?

A wood species native to Bavaria, the Carpathians and the Swiss Alps, larch (Larix decidua) has been steadily introduced all over Europe since the seventeenth century.

European larch is a sustainable timber (it is not listed in the CITES Appendices and is reported by the IUCN as being a species of least concern) when sourced from properly managed forests in the UK and Europe. It’s low carbon footprint and sustainability, plus the fact that larch is versatile, tough and excellent value for money, has resulted in the timber’s growth in popularity. Discover the properties and benefits of opting for European larch in your projects.

European Larch Shakes | WL West Timber

An effective finish of a cladding project using European larch shakes.

Properties & Advantages of European Larch

1. Medicinal benefits

Interestingly, arabinogalactan, the starch-like chemical found in most plants and used as a binder in some foods, is found in particularly high concentration within larch trees. Larch arabinogalactan is an FDA approved source of dietary fibre, but also has potential therapeutic benefits as an immune stimulating agent and as an adjunct to cancer therapies, therefore is often utilised for medicinal benefits.

2. A mini tree

Larch species are particularly appreciated in bonsai culture, prized for their small needles, foliage and autumnal colours, therefore enjoyed for their aesthetics.

3. A mighty conifer

Tall and straight, reaching up to 45m tall and 1m in trunk diameter in favourable conditions, larch is the heaviest and hardest of European coniferous timbers. Although it is a conifer, larch loses its needles in the autumn.

The colour of larch ranges from a warm yellow to a reddish-brown colour. Flatsawn sections can be full of character, with interesting patterns in the growth rings. It has a medium to fine texture, a straight or spiral grain and knots are common but generally small.

When used externally, British larch weathers relatively slowly and evenly, often taking two years to reach a silver-grey patina. North facing locations may weather to a darker grey than those facing south.

4. Hardwood or softwood?

Though tough, heavy and dense, larch is botanically a softwood and cone bearer, and therefore only moderately durable. There are treatments available to combat rot and fungi that preserve the original colour of the wood and allow for a more controlled and limited degradation over time.

5. A versatile timber

Fresh sawn, this species is perfect for structural work, roofing (larch shakes) and cladding. Cladding remains the most common end-use application for our larch. The resin in the wood makes it resistant to rot and decay, while the density of the wood means it needs little treatment or maintenance. However, larch shakes are becoming increasingly popular and we are now seeing them being used for a more diverse range of projects. As well as being naturally beautiful, a top-coat of colour can be applied to larch shakes to achieve a desired finish. We are the sole UK distributor for Rapold Gmbh, a family-run business in Bavaria with many decades of experience, who are passionate about quality and sustainability. Their larch shakes are from larch growing in forests over 500′ above sea level, making it slow-grown, dense and more durable.

Dry, larch is a good all-rounder and is ideal for flooring and as air dried external cladding, as well as for joinery or furniture work, although the knot ratio should be considered when selecting the right pieces of timber.

Explore our case study on an interesting project for Archer and Braun Architects, who approached us to supply larch shakes to clad both the roof and walls of a new residential work studio in East London.

Stock and Availability of European Larch in West Sussex

European Larch Shakes | WL West Timber

European larch shakes utilised for a roofing project.

Our homegrown larch is available fresh sawn and can also be dried to order for use as machined cladding or for interior use.

Our hand split larch shakes are sourced from Bavaria and we order them in for our customers, please contact us about lead times – drop us an email or give us a call.

WL West Timber is a family-owned sawmill & timber merchant in West Sussex with over 155 years’ industry experience. We provide a wide range of air-dried oak and kiln-dried oak timber products and supplies. We also build and install custom projects for our customers.

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